Monday, August 29, 2011

Alright let's do this!

Tomorrow I am leaving for my much anticipated semester in Barcelona. I've been planning for this since last fall and all I want to do now is stop thinking about it and finally get there! My flight leaves DFW at 5:30 in the evening and then I will snooze my way across that little ole Atlantic Ocean and arrive in London at 8:15 in the morning. I'll say a quick hello to the Queen during my 2 hour lay over, and finally, FINALLY get to Barcelona at 2:30 in the afternoon! Orientation with the rest of the students on the trip will start the next day, Sept. 1st (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!), at a hotel a little bit outside of the city and a few days later I will get to meet my host mom! There is a lot to come and needless to say I am so so excited, with a healthy amount of nervous/anxious thrown in.

September (and the tail end of August) is a happenin' month for the Broussard/Ferguson clan so a big happy birthday! to Aunt Kathy, Uncle Jon, Aunt Jackie, Sam, Uncle Gary, and the one and only Sharon Darnelle Ferguson Broussard!

I am so incredibly blessed with such loving friends and family and I can't thank everyone enough for their amazing support, love, encouragement, and shared excitement! So it's see ya for the next 4 months to tex mex, Auburn football, and Boris the Mazda, and hello to lots of ham, fútbol, and walking down Las Ramblas!

Missing my roomies, friends, and family already but as it says ¡Sea atrevido! (Be Bold!) Hasta luego amigos!