Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Give me a bike tour and audio guide any day

I think I've proved my blogging skills to be pretty horrible, but here are a bunch of pictures to make up for it! Over the past few weekends I have been to Sitges, a little beach town about 30 minutes by train outside of Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, and drum rooooooll ROME! One blog post can't handle all 4 places, so Rome will get its own later, but here are some pictures from the first 3! (And just a tip, if you click on the pictures you can see them a lot bigger!)


 You can never go wrong with a homemade burrito

 the Valencia crew

If studying abroad has taught me one thing, it is to never deny a bike tour or audio guide for anywhere or anything EVER. They are so fun, and what is more fun is riding through Madrid's beautiful park in the fall singing The Sound of Music and then having your group director get lost on the first turn, a few others get flat tires and have to attempt to ride together, a tandem bike, and dodging all of the crazy european drivers. Bike tours, I'm all about them. 

 Rose Garden

 The Prado is really where my love of audio guides set in.

 A little hole in the wall mexican place we went to for lunch
 obviously missin' some tex mex
 El Palacio Royal!

 Madrid flea market

 Cheers to some great weekends!

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